Varicose Vein Myths and Facts


Varicose veins are a common condition that affects many people worldwide, yet there is a significant amount of misinformation surrounding them. Understanding the truth about varicose veins is crucial for proper management and treatment.

In this blog, we will debunk common myths and present interesting facts about varicose veins, guiding you toward the best treatment options.

Dr. Amit Sahu is amongst the leading Interventional radiologists in Mumbai with extensive experience in helping patients achieve smoother, healthier legs.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisted veins that often appear blue or dark purple. They occur when the valves in the veins do not function properly, causing blood to flow backward and pool in the vein.

Common causes include genetics, obesity, pregnancy, and prolonged standing or sitting. Varicose veins primarily affect the legs due to the increased pressure in the lower body veins from prolonged standing, sitting, and walking.

Symptoms of Varicose Veins

  • Aching pain and discomfort
  • Swelling in the lower legs
  • Itching around the veins
  • Skin discoloration
  • Heaviness or cramping in the legs.
  • Wounds, ulcers in legs

If you experience these symptoms, it is essential to consult a varicose veins surgeon in Mumbai like Dr. Amit Sahu for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Varicose Veins Myths and Facts

Myth 1: Varicose Veins Are Just a Cosmetic Issue

Myth: Many believe that varicose veins are merely an aesthetic concern with no real health implications.

Fact: While varicose veins can affect appearance, they also pose health risks. Complications can include pain, swelling, skin ulcers, and blood clots. It is vital to address varicose veins not only for cosmetic reasons but also to prevent these potential health issues. With time the cosmetic issues due to early varicose veins may progress to advanced varicose veins with serious medical problems.

Myth 2: Only Women Get Varicose Veins

Myth: There is a common misconception that varicose veins only affect women.

Fact: Varicose veins affect both men and women. Although hormonal factors such as pregnancy, menopause, and the use of birth control pills can increase the risk in women, men are also susceptible, especially if they have a family history or other risk factors.

Myth 3: Crossing Your Legs Causes Varicose Veins

Myth: Many people believe that crossing their legs can cause varicose veins.

Fact: Crossing your legs does not cause varicose veins. The primary causes are genetics, obesity, pregnancy, and prolonged standing or sitting. While crossing your legs may worsen existing symptoms of varicose veins by restricting blood flow, it is not the root cause.

Myth 4: Varicose Veins Are Inevitable with Age

Myth: It is a common belief that everyone will develop varicose veins as they age.

Fact: Although the risk of developing varicose veins increases with age, they are not inevitable. Preventive measures such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and avoiding prolonged periods of standing or sitting can help reduce the risk.

Myth 5: Surgery Is the Only Treatment Option

Myth: Some people think that surgery is the only way to treat varicose veins.

Fact: There are several treatment options available for varicose veins, ranging from lifestyle changes to minimally invasive interventional procedures. Non-surgical Interventional Radiology treatments include compression stockings and sclerotherapy, while advanced options like Endo Venous Laser Treatment (EVLT), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), Microwave ablation (MWA) & Glue based treatments like Venaseal offer effective alternatives to traditional surgery. These are pin-hole treatments that do not require any cuts, stitches and allow very fast recovery with virtually no down time. Also, they have the added advantage of better cosmesis, leaving no scars.

Interesting Facts About Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins Can Occur Anywhere

Varicose veins are most commonly found in the legs, but they can occur anywhere in the body. Other areas include the pelvis, hands, and even the face. It’s essential to recognize that varicose veins are not limited to just one area.

Genetics Play a Significant Role

Family history is a significant factor in the development of varicose veins. If your parents or grandparents had varicose veins, your likelihood of developing them increases. Genetics influence the structure of your veins and the strength of the valves within them.

Varicose Veins Can Indicate Underlying Health Issues

Varicose veins can be a sign of underlying circulatory problems. They may indicate chronic venous insufficiency, where the veins struggle to send blood from the legs back to the heart.

This condition requires medical evaluation to prevent further complications.

Best Treatment for Varicose Veins

Non-Surgical Treatments
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help improve circulation and reduce the risk of varicose veins.
  • Compression Therapy: Wearing compression stockings can alleviate symptoms and prevent the progression of varicose veins by improving blood flow.
Minimally Invasive Procedures
  1. Sclerotherapy: A solution is injected into the vein, causing it to collapse and fade over time.
  2. Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT): A laser fibre is inserted into the vein, delivering energy that causes the vein to close.
  3. Ablation (RFA): A catheter delivers radiofrequency (RFA) or microwave (MWA) energy to heat and close the vein.
  4. Glue based treatments: Catheter deliver glue like adhesive (eg. Venaseal device) to allow closure of the vein to be treated.
Surgical Options
  • Vein Stripping and Ligation: The affected vein is tied off and removed through small incisions.
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy: Small, superficial varicose veins are removed through tiny punctures in the skin.

Choosing the Right Varicose Veins Surgeon in Mumbai

Qualifications to Look For

When selecting a varicose veins surgeon in Mumbai, consider the following qualifications:

  1. Board certification in Interventional Radiology.
  2. Extensive experience in treating varicose veins.
  3. Specialization in minimally invasive Endovascular procedures.

Dr. Amit Sahu’s Qualifications are as follows:

  • MBBS
  • Post-Graduation in MD Radiology
  • Training in Vascular & Interventional Radiology (FVIR) from the esteemed Seth GS Medical College & King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, Mumbai
  • Fellowship in Interventional Neuro Radiology (INR) from Seth GS Medical College & King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, Mumbai.
  • Training in the Interventional Radiology (Neuro & Peripheral) department at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai
  • Advanced Neuro-Interventions & Peripheral Interventions training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland (USA).
  • He is an Asst. Professor in Interventional Radiology.
  • He is a regular faculty in National conferences of Indian Society of Vascular & Interventional Radiology (ISVIR).
  • He is also a member of:
    • IRIA (Indian Radiological & Imaging Association)
    • Indian Society of Vascular & Interventional Society (ISVIR)
    • Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR),
    • Asia-Pacific Society of Cardiovascular & Interventional Radiology (APSCVIR),
    • Society of Therapeutic Neuro-Interventions & Indian Stroke Association (STNI).
  • Amit has more than 13 years of experience in the field of Interventional Radiology. He has had an extensive experience of managing and treating patients related to Neuro, Body & Peripheral Interventional Superspeciality. He has an experience of performing over thousands of endovascular procedures to his credit. He has conducted various workshops to teach young Interventional Radiologist about performing procedures for treating varicose veins, diabetic foot, stroke, brain aneurysm, etc.

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon

  • What treatment options are available for my condition?
  • What are the success rates and potential complications of each treatment?
  • What can I expect during the recovery process?

Patient Testimonials and Reviews

Reading patient testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights into a surgeon’s expertise and patient care. Look for reviews on trusted medical websites and forums to ensure you choose a reputable surgeon.

To read Dr. Amit Sahu’s testimonials, Click Here


Understanding the myths and facts about varicose veins is essential for making informed decisions about your health. Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic issue; they can indicate underlying health problems that require professional attention.

By debunking common myths and presenting interesting facts about varicose veins, we hope to guide you toward the best treatment options.

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to treat varicose veins, Dr. Amit Sahu can help.  As a senior interventional radiologist in Mumbai, Dr. Amit Sahu has extensive experience in treating varicose veins with non-surgical interventional methods.

If you are experiencing symptoms of varicose veins, schedule an appointment with Dr. Amit Sahu today. Visit our clinic for a thorough evaluation and explore the best treatment options for varicose veins.

To book an appointment with Dr. Amit Sahu, Click Here.

About Dr. Amit Sahu

2. MD Radiology
3. FVIR – Training in Vascular & Interventional Radiology from esteemed Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai
4. FINR – Fellowship training in Interventional NeuroRadiology from Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai
5. Advanced Training in Peripheral & Neuro Interventional Radiology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA